Lent has a liturgical flavour all of its own.  In sackcloth and ashes we pause, consider and repent.  The services of this season remind us that we are but dust and to dust we shall return.

8.00am Said BCP Holy Communion in the Mandylion Chapel with the Imposition of Ashes.
11.00am Said Eucharist, with the Imposition of Ashes.

6.30pm Said BCP Evensong and the Blessing of hair shirts.


Weekdays in Lent

8.00am Said BCP Holy Communion in the Mandylion Chapel with optional flagellation.
8.00pm A silent hour of meditation in the Mandylion Chapel.


Saturdays in Lent
8.00pm An hour of mournful organ music and choral keening.  The congregation is invited to wail after each musical piece. Dust will be sprinkled.



8.00am Said BCP Holy Communion in the Mandylion Chapel using British fortified wine.

9.00am Antiphonal Recitation of the Ten Commandments.

11.00am Said Eucharist with penitential psalms and a little-known anthem.

6.30pm BCP Evensong with hymns and a forty-minute sermon.



All enquiries about the music used in the Cathedral worship may be e-mailed too The Canon Precentor putting "Cathedral music enquiry" in the Subject line.  We welcome constructive comments about our programme, as well as donations towards the Choir's Christmas Party at the Wenchoster Pie-a-rama.

Applications for entry into the Choir school should be addressed in the first instance to The Dean of Wenchoster.  A medical examination will be required for all applicants.  Reductions in fees will be offered to those who show exceptional potential in range and movement, or who make a personal contribution to the Dean's Development Fund (for the establishment of link parishes in Aquitaine, France), or who fund the annual Chapter pilgrimage to the Black Virgin of Rocamadour.




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