The Overcamp Staff

Here to minister to you in all weather!


Rector: Canon Marmeduke Staggers, The Vicarage, Long Lane, Overcamp WN57 3JK.  Tel: 01154 915347


7.00 AM.  Stoopingly Low Mass with only two candles on the altar (1662)

8.00 AM.  Slightly Higher but Still Low Mass (Stole Only) (1549)

9.30 AM.  Sung Parish Mass with Noisy Children and Coffee (CW with deviations.)

11.00 AM.  Stunningly High Mass with everything. (Olde Wenchoster Ryte from the Wenchoster Customary.) 

6.00 PM.  Sung Evensong with exceptionally long sermon mentioning Our Lady four times, the Blessed Sacrament seven times and last year's trip to Walsingham once.

7.30 PM.  Rosary and Benediction (Followed by procession to St. Alice's Arms.  No children.)

For other services and obscure rites please contact the Parish Office discretely


THE MINISTRY TEAM (All Very High Church)

Churchwardens:  Mr. Yakamoto Chi-Chi and Mr. Ras Putin

Parish Secretary:  Mrs. Esper Anto

Honorary Treasurer:  Mr Khan Chingis

DSR:  Mrs. Esmerelda Belle


The Patrons of this Parish are the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Nobbing (ECUSA), and Major Luffington-Smythe MC (Indian Army - retired)  The Rite of Patronage is exercised by each person in a three-year rotation.